Welcome to the Law Office of Kathryn A. Meloni Esq. P.C.

Rates & Fees

Family Law/Divorce

Initial Consultation: 1/2 hour phone consultation for $100 (to be paid in advance of scheduled call) for new clients. Otherwise, all appointments are at the hourly rate of $360.00.
**Available for new client only 1 hour in-office consultation: Can be scheduled at hourly rate of $360.00.


$1000 (plus costs) for divorce issue only; applicable where we file the divorce complaint. If the client requests that this be billed hourly, such is acceptable.

All other issues (including Divorce where we do not file the Complaint):

Hourly Rate ($350.00/hour) applicable for custody, support, equitable distribution, protection from abuse, alimony, etc.

Minimum Retainer Fees:**

Service Fee
No-Fault Divorce with no other issues $1600.00
Divorce with ED $2500.00
Child Support $1250.00
Child Custody $1500.00
PFA $1750.00

Note that retainer fee is an up-front amount, but you will be billed at my hourly fee and said amount will be deducted from the retainer each month. You are expected to maintain a minimum retainer of at least $500.00 on account.


** Could be more depending on facts of case or combination of issues.


We can also offer, in some custody and support matters, a flat-fee limited involvement representation in the case and charge less for strictly the initial processing (ie filing the complaint) with only the first hearing covered. This is on a case by case basis.

Estate Administration/Probate:

Although many attorneys charge a percentage for these types of cases, we charge my regular hourly rate ($360/hour) so you are not paying more just because the estate is large. Initial consultations are at hourly rate but once estate account is opened, you will be reimbursed and it will come out of the estate account. All other fees and costs will come from the estate account. I bill for work done by my estate paralegal at $140.00/hour.

Wills:(includes 30 minute phone conference)

Single Simple Will: $300.00, plus costs

2 Reciprocal Wills: $475.00, plus costs


Living Will: $150 plus costs or $75 plus costs with Last Will and Testament
Durable Power of Attorney: $200 plus costs

Adoption and Termination of Parental Rights:

We handle TPR (Termination of Parental Rights) cases on an hourly basis at my hourly fee of $360.00/hour, plus costs.

We handle Adoption cases at a flat-rate of $2000.00.

Adoption Flat-rate of $2000.00/child

Termination of Parental Rights  hourly at $360/hour


Deeds: $150.00, plus costs

Retake Maiden Name: $125.00, plus costs

Name Change: Hourly Rate, plus costs

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